Radio station SM7LCB in JO86GH
Last updated 22 March 2006. Audio segments from the NAC 1.3 GHz contest 21 March 2006. Note, large files 500-1000 kBytes! SM1FMT/1, easy this time Janne! SM0BSO, nice again! SK0CT, nice signal but NIL QSO. SM3BEI, QRB! OZ6OL, nice copy when antenna pointing to my QTH. SM6AFV, not strong this evening. OH0JFP, OH in log! OZ2OE, remote connection breakdown during QSO but finish fine. OZ1FF, remote connection breakdown again! OZ9KY, remote connection breakdown again! SA4Z, last minute QSO. Several test with many other stations but no good copy DL1SUN… End of
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