Radio station SM7LCB in JO86GH


Last updated 19 May 2006.


Audio segments from the NAC 1.3 GHz contest 16 May 2006.


Note, large files 500-1000 kBytes!


SM3LBN, first in log Håkan!

SM4DXO, no QSO this time

SK0CT, QSO! No radar QRM in Stockholm this evening, nice.

SM0BSO and SM0DFP, who have best signal?

SK0UX, that's signal!

SA4Z, QSO this time..

DJ8MS, thanks!

DK3WG, thanks!

OH0JFP, QSO didn’t get any response on my calls one hour earlier.

SM1A, remote station thats nice!

SM0SBI, using his lokal station also (any SM1A in log?!?).

SM7GEP, my local station but not strong.

SM6DJH, very nice copy Olle!

SM3BEI, bad copy Lennart!

SM7ECM, long waiting... his too busy!

SK7MW, on time and frequency.

OZ2LD, now starting the OZ logging.

OZ9KY, easy this evening.

SM6AFV, easy as usal.

SM1MUT, another local station.

YL3AG,  thanks for QSO again, hope for next time again!

OZ1FF, QSO thanks.

SM0ERR, still only one direction copy, more computer power in Linrad or lager antenna?

SM4DXO, hi QSO nice!

SK4AO, fine copy of you call but not complete QSO. Next time?



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