Audio recordings SM7LCB in JO86GH

Last updated 15 October 2009.

Welcome to listen to my audio recording during contest 3-4 October 2009!

Worked some QSO during the big contest this weekend. Only QRV some few hours but still some nice QSO to the south.
Seem my 1.9m dish is working nice. Thanks for QSO and sorry if I haven't time for you all others.

Tried to hear some EME-stations during moon rise Suterday evening at 1600z. I did hear someone calling at about 1296.045 MHz but I couldn't copy the signal. Will try to listen on the recording again and see if there is any callsign. Else nothing heard and low activity on HB9Q chat page. Maybe I will try EME other time and then hopefully with some better luck.

Now audio is here for you to listen. Very nice signals from OL/OK-stations even no conds this weekend.

73 de ULF/SM7LCB 
QSO map 23cm:

Note that some of the file can be large 1 – 5 MBytes!

Date     Time Call           Loc    Band Mode  km  Remark
20091003 1501 DK6AS JO52JJ 1.3G CW 573
20091003 1516 SM0ERR JO89WJ 1.3G CW 352
20091003 1521 LY2R KO15VS 1.3G CW 455
20091003 1557 EME - 1.3G CW - First signals via moon (hopefully).
Still unknown signals on these recordings wave1, wave2, wave3, wave4, wave5 and wave7.
20091004 1234 DK0ZB JO42ID 1.3G CW 688 No recording!
20091004 1243 OL9W JN99CL 1.3G CW 768
20091004 1300 OK2KKW JO60JJ 1.3G CW 704
20091004 1317 OL3Z JN79FX 1.3G CW 718

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