Audio recordings SM7LCB in JO86GH

Last updated 21 October 2009.

Welcome to listen to my audio recording during NAC 1296 MHz contest 20 October 2009!

The highlight this evening was without any question the QSO with LA2Z in JO59xx
Thanks for DXCC #20 and square number 116 on 23cm!

Surprisingly good result in the contest. Didn't work so hard but many QSO went quick and easy.
Maybe the new 1.9 m dish is doing a good work. I only need to start building the PA sometime!
Only QRV about 70% of the contest so I may missed some possible QSO when I was away from the station.

73 de ULF/SM7LCB 
QSO map 23cm:

Note that some of the file can be large 1 – 5 MBytes!

Date     Time Call           Loc    Band Mode  km  Remark
20091020 1708 OH0JFP KP00AB 1.3G CW 465
20091020 1734 LA2Z JO59EJ 1.3G CW 501 DXCC #20 and square #116, thanks!
20091020 1755 YL3AG KO06WK 1.3G CW 329
20091020 1809 LY2R KO15VS 1.3G CW 455
20091020 1818 SP2IPK JO93LR 1.3G CW 326
20091020 1823 SA4Z JO79OF 1.3G CW 334
20091020 1827 DJ8MS JO64AD 1.3G CW 374
20091020 1832 DB6NT JO50TI 1.3G CW 739
20091020 1858 OZ2LD JO54TU 1.3G CW 349
20091020 1900 OZ1FF JO45BO 1.3G CW 530
20091020 1902 DL0VV JO64AD 1.3G CW 374
20091020 1907 OZ9GE JO66CB 1.3G CW 270
20091020 1945 SP4MPB KO03HT 1.3G CW 381
20091020 1949 OZ3ZW JO54RS 1.3G CW 363
20091020 1951 SM7ECM JO65NQ 1.3G CW 224
20091020 1953 SM0DFP JP90JC 1.3G CW 442
20091020 1957 SM0FZH JO99HI 1.3G CW 360
20091020 1959 SM0ERR JO89WJ 1.3G CW 352
20091020 2002 SK4AO JP70TO 1.3G CW 481
20091020 2006 SM5KQS JO88IT 1.3G CW 279 First QSO, thanks!
20091020 2008 SM6QA JO78FM 1.3G CW 276
20091020 2015 SM3BEI JP81NG 1.3G CW 553
20091020 2022 SM7DTE JO75CN 1.3G CW 168
20091020 2025 SM7SJR JO87FB 1.3G CW 84
20091020 2028 OZ9KY JO45VX 1.3G CW 420
20091020 2034 SM1MUT JO97CJ 1.3G CW 158
20091020 2037 SA7U JO65ML 1.3G CW 238
20091020 2039 SK7MW JO65MJ 1.3G CW 242
20091020 2054 SP2WPY JO94FL 1.3G CW 238

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