Audio recordings SM7LCB in JO86GH

Last updated 13 October 2010.

Autumn Tropo Opening 8 to 10 of October 2010!

During the weekend 8 - 10 of October we finally got a nice tropo opening on the microwave bands. I think we last have this kind of opening was December 2007? So waiting nearly 3 years I really enjoy this opening and it was very nice that it was during a weekend. I was also lucky because I was not booked for any other time consuming activity this weekend. During Saturday I with the family made a visit to the nice exhibition here in Stockholm regarding the "Chinas Terracotta army", some of the soldiers of that army have during this autumn invade one of our museum. Really nice exhibition but it was bigger to see in in Chine for 10 years ago. Well I got back from the exhibition in time for the evening radio operation. From Saturday evening at 17z to Sunday at 12z I was active, except for about 4 hour of sleep.

During the opening in December 2007 my station only had 23 and 3cm. Today I also have 13 and 9cm QRV and it was nice to make so many nice QSO on these bands. But it take a lot of time jumping around all the bands sometimes. But during this kind of opening it get easy because the signal was good so most of the band jumping went quick and easy. I worked several stations on all my four microwave bands and these stations was (yes several stations which I worked this weekend have my four band but we didn't try or didn't manage to get a QSO during the weekend) :

Call     Locator   Bands          km
PA0EZ    JO22OF    23/13/9/3cm    864

DF1VB/P  JO32PC    23/13/9/3cm    762
DJ6JJ    JO32PC    23/13/9/3cm    762
DB6NT    JO50TI    23/13/9/3cm    739
DL4DTU   JO61TB    23/13/9/3cm    615
DK1ZD    JO44WE    23/13/9/3cm    484
SM7GEP   JO77IP    23/13/9/3cm    186

I hope to build my 6cm station during this winter and install it next summer. Still missing the preamp and the 10 MHz locked oscillator. When that is home I have some hours of building it... but that's another story.
The weekend started in the evening 8 of October with nice conds towards north, east and south with best DX to the south. To north I got a new square from SM0DFP on 9cm. We didn't try on the other bands. I also tried with OH2AXH on 9cm but conds was not good for SSB QSO at that time. To east LY2VA but conds was not good for 3cm at that time but we manage that during Sunday.

In the Saturday evening the big race started with good propagation to the same directions. It stated nice when I got my 122 square on 23cm by working SP5QAT in KO02. We have tried several times during NAC 23cm contest by using airplane scatter but never got it to work. Now finally the conds came and the QSO when complete. It was also nice conds to the north but most of the active stations have I already worked except SM4DHN which I  now got on 13cm as a new square. The conds to the south was nice with many nice QSO but it slowly opened up to south west with all the German stations. In the end of the evening i came to Holland with some new squars on several bands.

Below is some tropo maps from William Hepburn's Tropospheric Ducting Forecasts for Saturday evening to Sunday morning:
2010-10-09 1800z
2010-10-10 0000z
2010-10-10 0600z

I wake up early in the Sunday morning hoping for more good DX towards Germany and Holland. And it also started nice and quit soon it open to England when I listen for GB3MHL beacon. Shortly after that I got QSO with G3XDY on three bands and with a nice QSB on 9cm with  1100 km, that was great! Later I still copy the GB3MHL beacon but it was not possible to work any stations. At about 18z I closed the station after some attempts and checking of beacons. Even GB3MHL have then gone done into the white noise.

So in short I'm happy and glade that the autumn tropo openings still exist in this way. Hope it will soon be back. My station seems working nice even if I'm bit of a QRP station. Will build 6cm to next summer and if time also get some new stuff on 23/13cm with more power. Hope to get up to at least 100W at the antenna (today around 20-30W). The remote control of the station was working very nice during this opening as usally. I work most of my QSO from my home in Stockholm which is about 470 km by car from the radio site (6 hours driving). For this weekedn I only have some problems Saturday evening during about 10 minuets.
73 de ULF/SM7LCB 
All band





Link to my map tools.

Note that some of the file can be up to 1.3 MBytes and this is small parts from the total of 3600 MBytes of recorded audio this weekend.

Time    Call    Loc     Band    Mode    km     Remark
1951 SP4MPB KO03HT 1.3G CW 381 No recording

1529 OH2AXH KP20OK 1.3G SSB 682 No recording
1645 LY2VA KO14XV 1.3G CW 492
1648 LY2VA KO14XV 2.3G CW 492
1846 SP6GWB JO80JG 1.3G SSB 673 New # 13cm (29)
1849 SP6GWB JO80JG 2.3G SSB 673
1852 SP6GWB JO80JG 10G CW 673
1853 SP6GWB JO80JG 10G SSB 673
1859 OK1JKT JO60RN 10G CW 672
1910 OK1YA JN79IO 10G CW 756 New # 3cm (52)
1949 SM0DFP JP90JC 3.4G CW 442 New # 9cm (8)

0539 LY2WR KO24FO 1.3G CW 534
0548 LY2R KO15VS 1.3G CW 455
1651 SM3BEI JP81NG 1.3G CW 553
1659 SP5QAT KO02LB 1.3G CW 553 New # 23cm (122)
1710 SM4DHN JP60VA 2.3G CW 443
New # 13cm (30)
1743 OK1MAC JN79IO 1.3G CW 756
1746 OK1MAC JN79IO 2.3G CW 756 New # 13cm (31)
1823 YL2AJ KO16OX 1.3G CW 415
1828 SP6GWB JO80JG 1.3G SSB 673
1834 OK2QI JO80OC 1.3G SSB 692
1836 SP2IPK JO93LR 1.3G SSB 326
1844 SP2CNW JO93AI 1.3G CW 343
1903 DF1VB/P JO32PC 1.3G SSB 762
1903 DJ6JJ JO32PC 1.3G SSB 762
1908 DF1VB/P JO32PC 2.3G CW 762 New # 13cm (32)
1911 DJ6JJ JO32PC 2.3G CW 762
1915 DF1VB/P JO32PC 3.4G CW 762 New # 9cm (9)
1918 DJ6JJ JO32PC 3.4G CW 762
1924 DF1VB/P JO32PC 10G CW 762 New # 3cm (53)
1929 DJ6JJ JO32PC 10G CW 762
1935 DL3YEE JO42GE 1.3G CW 693
1947 SM6HYG JO58RG 1.3G CW 375
1950 SM7GEP JO77IP 10G CW 186 First TROPO QSO, end of 6 years waiting!
1953 SM7GEP JO77IP 3.4G CW 186
1954 SM7GEP JO77IP 2.3G CW 186
1955 SM7GEP JO77IP 1.3G CW 186
2027 OK1TEH JO70FD 1.3G CW 700
2056 PA0EZ JO22OF 1.3G CW 864
2059 DG7TG JO43SV 1.3G SSB 520
2103 SM7FMX JO65KN 1.3G SSB 244
2108 PA3AWJ JO21GW 1.3G CW 920
2111 PA2M JO21IP 1.3G CW 930
2116 PA2M JO21IP 2.3G CW 930 New # 13cm (33) and new DXCC (9)
2130 OZ7DX JO66EC 1.3G SSB 259
2136 OZ9GE JO66CB 1.3G SSB 270

0336 DL4DTU JO61TB 1.3G CW 615
0337 DL4DTU JO61TB 2.3G CW 615
0343 DL4DTU JO61TB 3.4G CW 615
0345 DL4DTU JO61TB 10G CW 615
0449 DK2MN JO32MC 1.3G SSB 774
0452 DK2MN JO32MC 2.3G CW 774
0455 DK2MN JO32MC 3.4G CW 774
0517 OZ1CTZ JO46OE 10G CW 454 New # 3cm (54)
0525 G3XDY JO02OB 1.3G SSB 1101
0526 G3XDY JO02OB 2.3G SSB 1101 New # 13cm (34) and new DXCC (10)
0530 G3XDY JO02OB 3.4G CW 1101 New # 9cm (10) and new DXCC (4) and new QRB!
0544 YL2AO KO16DK 1.3G CW 355
0553 PA3FHY JO22WW 1.3G CW 782
0559 EW6FS KO35LB 1.3G CW 667 Calling me during my CQ towards PA/G!
0603 PA2M JO21IP 1.3G SSB 930
0607 PA2M JO21IP 10G CW 930
0620 G4EAT JO01HR 1.3G CW 1155
0653 DK7QX JO42KH 1.3G CW 667
0659 DF0WD JO42FD 1.3G SSB 700
0705 DG1FKA JO31RL 1.3G SSB 801
0707 DL5YEE JO42GF 1.3G SSB 690
0709 PA2XHF JO32HN 1.3G SSB 764
0801 LY2VA KO14XV 1.3G CW 492
0806 LY2VA KO14XV 10G CW 492
0809 YL2CP KO27PH 1.3G CW 544
0814 DL3JAN JO61VB 1.3G CW 612
0819 PA3AWJ JO21GW 2.3G SSB 920
0822 PA3AWJ JO21GW 3.4G SSB 920 New # 9cm (11) and new DXCC (5)
0827 PA0EZ JO22OF 2.3G CW 864 New # 13cm (35)
0831 PA5DD JO22IC 2.3G CW 899
0835 PA0EZ JO22OF 3.4G CW 864 New # 9cm (12)
0910 DK1ZD JO44WE 1.3G SSB 484
0912 DK1ZD JO44WE 3.4G SSB 484 New # 9cm (13)
0915 DK1ZD JO44WE 2.3G SSB 484
0919 DK1ZD JO44WE 10G SSB 484
0925 PA5DD JO22IC 3.4G CW 899
0927 PA0EZ JO22OF 3.4G SSB 864 Many station calling on 9cm
0928 OZ2LD JO54TU 3.4G SSB 349
0936 G3LQR JO02QF 1.3G CW 1082
0943 PA0EZ JO22OF 10G CW 864 New # 3cm (55)
0958 PA0EHG JO22HB 1.3G SSB 907
1010 DB6NT JO50TI 1.3G SSB 739 Nice QSO date/time "101010 1010z"
1012 DL6NCI JO50VI 1.3G SSB 734
1015 DL6NCI JO50VI 3.4G CW 734 New # 9cm (14)
1019 DL6NCI JO50VI 2.3G CW 734
1021 DB6NT JO50TI 2.3G SSB 739
1022 DB6NT JO50TI 3.4G SSB 739
1025 DB6NT JO50TI 10G SSB 739
1035 DK6JL JO31DH 3.4G CW 872 New # 9cm (15)
1057 DJ1LP JO64CC 1.3G CW 369
1103 DF9QX JO42HD 3.4G CW 692
1108 DF9QX JO42HD 2.3G CW 692 New # 13cm (36)

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