Audio recordings SM7LCB in JO86GH

Last updated 27 december 2012.

Welcome to listen to some of my audio recording during 2012!

List of recordings on the page during 2012:

2012-05-22 : May NAC microwave contest
2012-06-29 : RS QSO
2012-07-03 : 2m NAC contest and Baltic Sea microwave tropo
2012-07-06 : Rain scatter over Baltic Sea
2012-07-07 : July Field Day Contest
2012-07-24 : July NAC microwave contest
2012-07-25 : Baltic Sea Tropo to OH
2012-08-04 : Estonian Open VUSHF FD 2012 (1296 MHz)
2012-09-16 : Sunday conds?
2012-10-06...07 : REG 1 contest
2012-10-16 : October NAC 23cm
2012-12-26 : Jultest 23cm

73 de ULF/SM7LCB 

2012-05-22 : May NAC microwave contest
Nice wx and on the wx radar map I say that there was nice thunder over Helsingör/Helsingborg area (about JO66GA) and found that it was in direction of OZ1FF. Made a sked with him via KST and then we worked easy during the first minutes of the contest. A bit later the thunder was gone and only some rain was left and no more RS QSO for that evening. But I got one nice RS QSO over 530 km distance.

Else there was easy and difficult QSO. But only one QSO on 9cm with SM7ECM. Tried with several other stations for example OH2AXH (13cm) and SM5QA (3cm) but no QSO.
Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band km  Remark
2012-05-22 1705 OZ1FF JO45BO 10G 530 Nice RS QSO
2012-05-22 1731 LY2R KO15VS 2.3G 455
2012-05-22 1835 OZ3ZW JO54RS 2.3G 363
2012-05-22 1840 OZ3ZW JO54RS 10G 363
2012-05-22 1852 SM7ECM JO65NQ 2.3G 224
2012-05-22 1854 SM7ECM JO65NQ 3.4G 224
2012-05-22 1856 SM7ECM JO65NQ 10G 224
2012-05-22 1906 SM0DFP JP90JC 2.3G 442
2012-05-22 1924 SM3BEI JP81NG 2.3G 553
2012-05-22 1936 DL0VV JO64AD 2.3G 374
2012-05-22 1939 DL0VV JO64AD 10G 374
2012-05-22 1948 SM7DTE JO75CN 2.3G 168
2012-05-22 1950 SM7DTE JO75CN 10G 168
2012-05-22 2041 DJ8MS JO64AD 2.3G 374

2012-06-29 : RS QSO
This day I have seen nice thunder moving slowly towards my QTH but day get late and thunder less intensive. Found a small one in boarder between Germany and Polen with scatter point about JO73CV, see small rain on the radar map. Got one QSO with DL6ABC with nice rain scatter signals.

Tried also with DL6NAA, OK1JKT, DO1UKA and DL4DTU. DL4DTU heard DO1UKA calling me on SSB on our sked QRG but I didn't hear anything of him.

Later in the evening the larger rain came to the same position as the small one and then I late that evening also worked OK1JKT with very nice signal. During a sked with SP6ASD (JO81LD) via scatter point JO73IV I got called by OK1JKT with very nice signals and then an easy rain scatter QSO was completed witn 55s/55s signals. Tried several times with SP6ASD but at 2230z we ended and I switched of the station for this day.

During the evening I alose tried with OZ9PP but no QSO.
Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band km  Remark
2012-06-29 1559 DL6ABC JO62OM 10G 474
2012-06-29 2046 OK1JKT JO60RN 10G 672



2012-07-03 : 2m NAC contest and Baltic Sea microwave tropo
Nice wx this day and very calm and nice evening. Switched on the radio at 19.10z looking for DX-stations on the 2m NAC contest with my big 6 element yagi and the big 2W power into it. Worked only two stations and there was very few stations on the CW part of the band.

So I checked the conds on the microwave bands this evening and found that it was nice sea duct over the Baltic Sea towards the OH2SHF beacon in Finland and the DB0VC beacon in Germany. Checked other beacons also but nil. Some more stations notice the conds so there were some QSO this evening on the microwave bands also. Well I got the same number of QSO here as on 2m e.g. 2 QSO!

Maybe I spent to much time on microwave bands compare to all stations QRV on the 2m band contest. But when I didn't find any stations on 2m CW I easily moved up to the higher bands.
Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band km  Remark
2012-07-03 1922 SK6W JO78FM 144M 276 No recording
2012-07-03 1925 SM5PHU JO88EG 144m 218 No recording
2012-07-03 1957 OH5LK KP30ON 1.3G 779
2012-07-03 2024 OH2SHF/B KP20BB 10G 609
2012-07-03 2027 DB0VC/B JO54IF 1.3G 436 and 2.3G
2012-07-03 2029 DB0VC/B JO54IF 10G 436
2012-07-03 2040 DL1HTT JO61FR 1.3G 576

2012-07-06 : Rain scatter over Baltic Sea
Strange wx today with very foggy and rainy day but very warmer and nice evening with sun and a good bath in the Baltic Sea, for sure the bath was not a warm bath but very nice.

Later during the evening a thunder storm mover over the Baltic Sea and a started to listen for the few beacons available for rain scatter study. It was only ES0SHF on 23cm and SK1SHH on 3cm. SK1SHH is using parabolic antenna towards north to SM0 (why?) is I don't normally hear it. Some changes even on 23cm via rain scatter.
Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band km  Remark
2012-07-06 2158 ES0SHF KO18DN 1.3G 428
2012-07-06 2204 SK1SHH JO97CJ 10G 158

2012-07-07 : July Field Day Contest
During the weekend 7-8 July the summer field day contest work going and I was active only during the first 6 hours. During the rest of the contest I was away on vaction travel.

I worked some long distance QSO on 23cm via sked on ON4KST and as usually most of them via air plane scatter (AS)...
Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band km  Remark
2012-07-07 1433 DK6AS JO52JJ 1.3G 573
2012-07-07 1526 OL3Z JN79FX 1.3G 718
2012-07-07 1536 RA2FCD KO04BW 1.3G 272
2012-07-07 1544 OL9W JN99CL 1.3G 768
2012-07-07 1558 OK2A JO60JJ 1.3G 704
2012-07-07 1634 OK5Z JN89AK 1.3G 766
2012-07-07 1704 SP5QAT KO02LB 1.3G 553 via thunder
2012-07-07 1713 SP5QAT KO02LB 2.3G 553 via thunder New #70
2012-07-07 1802 SK4AO JP70TO 1.3G 481
2012-07-07 1825 LY2R KO15VS 1.3G 455
2012-07-07 1829 LY2R KO15VS 2.3G 455
2012-07-07 1840 OM3KII JN88UU 1.3G 834

2012-07-24 : July NAC microwave contest 
A normal NAC microwave contest with no conds even it's summer and can be nice conds over the sea. One day later it was nice conds towards OH/ES but then very low activity.

This evenings happning was a new locator square on 9cm when I worked SM7DTE in JO75. He was using low power station with only 10 mW output but hopefully much more next contest.

Else bad on 3cm as usally....

Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band km  Remark
2012-07-24 1703 SM7DTE JO75CN 2.3G 168
2012-07-24 1707 SM7DTE JO75CN 10G 168
2012-07-24 1711 SM7DTE JO75CN 3.4G 168 New #18 on 9cm
2012-07-24 1714 OZ3ZW JO54RS 2.3G 363
2012-07-24 1716 OZ3ZW JO54RS 3.4G 363
2012-07-24 1744 SM7ECM JO65NQ 2.3G 224
2012-07-24 1745 SM7ECM JO65NQ 3.4G 224
2012-07-24 1808 OZ1FF JO45BO 2.3G 530
2012-07-24 1818 SM0DFP JP90JC 2.3G 442
2012-07-24 1823 SM0DFP JP90JC 3.4G 442
2012-07-24 1852 LY2FN KO14XV 2.3G 492
2012-07-24 1956 DL0VV JO64AD 2.3G 374
2012-07-24 1958 DL0VV JO64AD 10G 374
2012-07-24 2004 OZ3ZW JO54RS 10G 363
2012-07-24 2009 SM3BEI JP81NG 2.3G 553

2012-07-25 : Baltic Sea Tropo to OH
During the evening of 25 July I listen to the OH beacons and especially OH3SHF which I heard on 13, 9 and 3cm this evening. I got one contact with OH3LWP after some SMS traffic but only 13cm. He only have 13, 6 and 3cm QRV. At time of QSO 13cm was open and we made a nice QSO. 9cm he was not QRV and I not QRV on 6cm. The 3cm band was not open at that time and at the later time he was not QRV.

During that evening of 31 July I worked some QSO during NAC Open contest the 5'e Tuesday of the month.

The 4 of August I worked DB6NT easy via RS on 3cm.
Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band km  Remark
2012-07-25 1824 ES0SHF KO18DN 1.3G 428
2012-07-25 1827 OH3SHF KP11VK 2.3G 705
2012-07-25 1828 OH3SHF KP11VK 3.4G 705
2012-07-25 1908 OH3LWP KP21AM 2.3G 721 QSO! New #71
2012-07-25 1959 OH3SHF KP11VK 3.4G 705 keying QRG 2320
2012-07-25 2000 OH3SHF KP11VK 10G 705
2012-07-25 2002 OH2SHF KP20BB 1.3G 609
2012-07-25 2003 OH5SHF KP30HV 1.3G 774
2012-07-25 2025 ES0SHF KO18DN 1.3G 428
2012-07-25 2026 OH2SHF KP20BB 1.3G 609
2012-07-25 2027 OH5SHF KP30HV 1.3G 774
2012-07-25 2029 OH3SHF KP11VK 2.3G 705
2012-07-25 2031 OH3SHF KP11VK 3.4G 705
2012-07-25 2032 OH3SHF KP11VK 10G 705

2012-07-31 1834 SK4AO JP70TN 1.3G 476
2012-07-31 1838 SM3BEI JP81NG 1.3G 553

2012-08-04 1220 DB6NT JO50TI 10G 739 RS

Estonian Open FD 144 MHz (no recordings) :

2012-08-04 1758 ES0S KO17AV 144M 376
2012-08-04 1803 YL2AO KO16XO 144M 453
2012-08-04 1816 SK3W JP80JH 144M 446
2012-08-04 1830 ES3X KO19SE 144M 524
2012-08-04 1838 SM3BEI JP81NG 144M 553



144 MHz QSO

2012-08-04 : Estonian Open VUSHF FD 2012 (1296 MHz)
The Estonia Open FD contest is a very nice contest giving a good opportunity to use the good conds over Baltic Sea if they are present. This weekend the conds was very nice during the whole weekend followed by a rainy Monday.

I was only active during the 1296 MHz contest there activity was good and I was more or less calling CQ into OH/ES/YL/LY most of the time. Petty that I didn't get any QSO with OH or SP this time and very little activity from LY. Well the activity from SM was not so good either.

But good activity from ES and YL. But the duplicate QSO timeout make the contest more active because without that rule the contest time will be more empty or more CQ without any response.

Thanks for a nice contest and good conds and see you 2013!
Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band km  Remark
2012-08-04 0308 ES2U KO29NK 1.3G 615
2012-08-04 0313 LY2R KO15VS 1.3G 455
2012-08-04 0319 YL2AO KO16DK 1.3G 355
2012-08-04 0325 ES0S KO17AV 1.3G 376
2012-08-04 0342 ES1O/2 KO29AI 1.3G 558
2012-08-04 0348 ES1AO KO29HI 1.3G 586
2012-08-04 0357 ES3X KO19SE 1.3G 524
2012-08-04 0423 YL2AJ KO16OX 1.3G 415
2012-08-04 0435 YL2OW KO26IU 1.3G 504
2012-08-04 0442 SM0DFP JP90JC 1.3G 442
2012-08-04 0447 SM3BEI JP81NG 1.3G 553
2012-08-04 0508 OZ2LD JO54TU 1.3G 349
2012-08-04 0511 ES2U KO29NK 1.3G 615
2012-08-04 0517 LY2R KO15VS 1.3G 455
2012-08-04 0521 YL2AO KO16DK 1.3G 355
2012-08-04 0531 ES0S KO17AV 1.3G 376
2012-08-04 0544 ES1O/2 KO29AI 1.3G 558
2012-08-04 0557 ES1AO KO29HI 1.3G 586
2012-08-04 0600 ES3X KO19SE 1.3G 524
2012-08-04 0630 YL2AJ KO16OX 1.3G 415
2012-08-04 0640 YL2CP KO27PH 1.3G 544
2012-08-04 0642 YL2OW KO26IU 1.3G 504
2012-08-04 0648 SM0DFP JP90JC 1.3G 442
2012-08-04 0704 LY3II/B KO15FM 1.3G 379 Nice beacon in LY

QSO map


2012-09-16 : Sunday conds?
This weekend there was some indication that it could be good conds on the higher bands e.g. above 1 GHz. I think there were some conds on 2m but I'm not sure.

I started my remote station when I saw a dx-spot from OZ2LD working F-station on 23cm. Not sure I now after the weekend saw correct because I didn't find any conds. I tried with F5DQK but nothing in my receiver and nil at his end. So no conds (?) well I didn't find them.

In the evening I found that SP4MPB have requested a sked on 13cm so we tried and that when very nice with a new station in the 13 cm logbook and square number 43 on this band. Thanks!
Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band km  Remark
2012-09-16 1651 SP4MPB KO03HT 2.3G 381

2012-10-06...07 : REG 1 contest
October REG 1 contest and finally a contest on the high bands and maybe the last with SM on 2320 MHz(?). From 1 of October we only have access to the band above 2400 MHz but some of us have permission until end of this year.

My goal was to work up to 10 long distance QSO on 23cm. But I didn't get so many QSO on 23cm as total and far from 10 long distance QSO. Tried to get attention on KST but it didn't work out well this time. Maybe I was QRV wrong hours? Was QRV in the beginning until 20:00z and in the morning 05:00z-06:30z.

Did get a good start with OL9W on both 23cm and 13cm. Then it got a bit slow. The timing with airplane was not perfect sometimes but some QSO was very perfect. For example DF0MU on 23cm was a very nice and it was very close for a 13cm QSO on another airplane a bit later.

So thanks for a nice contest but hope for more QSO next time!
All QSO made on CW from my side.
Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band km  Remark
2012-10-06 1530 OL9W JN99CL 1.3G 768 Nice start!
2012-10-06 1546 OL9W JN99CL 2.3G 768 Nice start!
2012-10-06 1655 DK6AS JO52JJ 1.3G 573 Always QRV.
2012-10-06 1740 DJ8MS JO63MF 1.3G 410
2012-10-06 1746 SP4MPB KO03HT 1.3G 381
2012-10-06 1748 SP4MPB KO03HT 2.3G 381
2012-10-06 1830 SM7ECM JO65NQ 2.3G 224 All my bands!
2012-10-06 1829 SM7ECM JO65NQ 1.3G 224 -"-
2012-10-06 1831 SM7ECM JO65NQ 3.4G 224 -"-
2012-10-06 1834 SM7ECM JO65NQ 10G 224 -"-
2012-10-06 1926 DL0GTH JO50JP 1.3G 736 SSB/CW QSO
2012-10-07 0517 DF0MU JO32PC 1.3G 762 13cm no qso
2012-10-07 0614 DL1SUN JO53PN 1.3G 454

DF0MU QSO on 23cm

2012-10-16 : October NAC 23cm
One hour late to the contest and no TV channel for me to see the soccer game between Germany and Sweden. Yes I missed something! Sweden changed that game the last 30 minutes from 4-0 to 4-4 in Berlin, nice! But without TV I enjoyed the NAC 23cm contest.

Regarding the evenings contest game I mostly was calling CW towards east and south-east direction on normal QRG 1296.185 MHz. Not so many QSO on the CQ but some good one via sked on ON4KST.

No tropo conds so most QSO was done via airplane as usually. I also tried with YL2GD in KO37ML and we heard each other via one small airplane but too short and also too late in the contest. We may try more next time.

This is the result from the Swedish station SM7LCB:
Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band km  Remark
2012-10-16 1809 SM7ECM JO65NQ 1.3G 224
2012-10-16 1811 LY2R KO15VS 1.3G 455
2012-10-16 1814 SM1HOW JO97GL 1.3G 178
2012-10-16 1819 SP2WPY JO94FL 1.3G 238
2012-10-16 1831 SP5QAT KO02LB 1.3G 553
2012-10-16 1841 SP4MPB KO03HT 1.3G 381
2012-10-16 1853 SA4Z JO79OF 1.3G 334
2012-10-16 1924 YL2AJ KO16OX 1.3G 415
2012-10-16 1941 SM0DFP JP90JC 1.3G 442
2012-10-16 1943 SM3BEI JP81NG 1.3G 553
2012-10-16 1948 SK4AO JP70TO 1.3G 481
2012-10-16 1951 OZ9KY JO45VX 1.3G 420
2012-10-16 1955 DL0VV JO64AD 1.3G 374
2012-10-16 1959 SM7DTE JO75CN 1.3G 168
2012-10-16 2007 SM4DXO JP70VO 1.3G 480
2012-10-16 2016 OZ9PP JO47VA 1.3G 420
2012-10-16 2019 SM7GEP JO77IP 1.3G 186
2012-10-16 2031 YL2OW KO26WL 1.3G 575
2012-10-16 2046 SK0CT JO99BM 1.3G 369
2012-10-16 2057 SM0FZH JO99HI 1.3G 360

2012-12-26 : Jultest 23cm
Not QRV for more then a month with my remote station. During Christmas holiday we travel to Öland and the remote station. Find that all is working nice and think that its the DDNS handling who have failed. Seems I fixed that now and hope it will work now. Need to fix a backup plane for failing DDNS handling.

I was able to enjoy the Christmas contest (Jultest) this year but only the short 1 hour 23cm section of the contest. The previous 3 hours were allocated to 2m and 70cm. Maybe we can make one section for four hours running all bands 2 meter and up?

Well worked a few stations with the help of ON4KST (as usually). All QSO was worked with very nice AS signals as you can hear on the recording below. I have uploaded the complete QSO just to illustrate how fast signals can come up from nothing.

Seems to be last contest for 2012 so best wishes for a new year with many nice radio contacts,


Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band km  Remark
2012-12-26 1122 SK4AO JP70TO 1.3G 354
2012-12-26 1132 SM3BEI JP81NG 1.3G 553
2012-12-26 1144 SM6ESG JO67CC 1.3G 279 First QSO 2012

Picture to right show airplane just after finish QSO with Morgan
SM6ESG (our first QSO 2012). Airplane 1 or 2 gave the lift. Airplane 1 can be the one which gave the lift during SK4AO QSO but then it was a bit to the north.

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