Audio recordings SM7LCB in JO86GH
Last updated 8 August 2013.
Welcome to listen
to some of my audio recording during 2013!
List of recordings on the page during 2013:
: REG 1 contest May 2013-06-06...07 : Baltic Sea Ducting 2013-06-18
: NAC 23 cm contest 2013-07-06-07
: REG 1 contest July 2013-07-06-07
: After REG 1 contest 2013-08-06...08: Some RS QSO this summer
73 de ULF/SM7LCB
: REG 1 contest May
sunny wx here in Stockholm this weekend. But on Sunday morning I toke
some time in house to try the remote station during the contest. Worked
several nice QSO via AS towards OK/OM/OL/DL. But sometimes it take
very long time to complete a QSO via AS so not so many QSO in my
logbook. Most time I spent waiting for a good airplane.
mostly for QSO in 700 and above range so sorry to all other stations on
KST which I didn't have time for. I also wanted to spend some sunny
hours in the garden. Most of the sked got to a final QSO but OK2M was
difficult. Tried several times but no trace on on the waterfall display
even when I saw nice airplanes within the SCP, frustrating. But as
a summary nice hours at the station and thanks for all QSO, sked...
work any stations on 13 cm (except SP4MPB). This because the station is
to bad (still no preamp) and I wanted to focuses on QSO on 23 cm this
73 de ULF/SM7LCB
Hope to upload audio segments for some QSO later...Date UTC Call Locator Band km Remark 2013-05-05 0618 SP4MPB KO03HT 1.3G 381 2013-05-05 0622 SP4MPB KO03HT 2.3G 381 2013-05-05 0640 LY2BJ KO25ER 1.3G 491 2013-05-05 0649 LY2WR KO24FO 1.3G 534 2013-05-05 0708 OL9W JN99CL 1.3G 768 2013-05-05 0727 OK2A JO60JJ 1.3G 704 2013-05-05 0740 OM3W JN99CH 1.3G 787 2013-05-05 0746 OK5Z JN89AK 1.3G 766 2013-05-05 0846 OL3Z JN79FX 1.3G 718 2013-05-05 1031 DL4DTU JO60TR 1.3G 650 2013-05-05 1145 OK1MAC JN79IO 1.3G 756 2013-05-05 1025 SP5QAT KO02LB 1.3G 553 2013-05-05 1207 OK1KUO JO80FF 1.3G 677
2013-06-06...07 : Baltic Sea Ducting
my travel (5 Juni) to my SM7 QTH (remote site) I got a SMS from
Ari/OH3LWP that it maybe will be possible conds because high pressure
over the Baltic Sea and he want to try on the microwave bands.
the evening 6 Juni conds were getting stronger over the Baltic Sea and
I worked a LY2BJ via ON4KST sked. Later OH2LAK canme QRV on 23 cm
and I worked him but with weak signals, I checked OH2SHF after that QSO
but nil copy. Send SMS message to OH3LWP but didn't get any
response, to late evening.
Next evening 7 Juni conds again
came up at about 19.30z with ES0SHF being 599 but thats no good
indicaiton. ES0SHF need to be more to full scale reading before other
beacons will show up. To my suprise I got OH5SHF in log, not to common
to hear it. Then I hear OH3SHF on 9 cm and send a SMS to Ari and he
responde and we soon worked a nice QSO on 9 cm. After that we also
worked on 13 cm, 23 cm and later on 3 cm when the OH3SHF becon came up
on 3 cm. Nice with four 721 km QSO on 23, 13, 9 and 3 cm. Bad that I
still don't have my 6 cm station QRV.
73 de ULF/SM7LCB
Date UTC Call Locator Band km Remark 2013-06-06 2018 LY2BJ KO25ER 1.3G 491 No recording 2013-06-06 2030 OH2SHF KP20BB 10G 609 Beacon 2013-06-06 2030 OH2SHF KP20BB 2.3G 609 Beacon 2013-06-06 2030 OH2SHF KP20BB 1.3G 609 Beacon 2013-06-06 2108 OH2LAK KP11VK 1.3G 706 2013-06-07 2026 OH5SHF KP30HV 1.3G 774 Beacon 2013-06-07 2026 OH3LWP KP21AM 3.4G 721 #20 on 9cm 2013-06-07 2026 OH3LWP KP21AM 2.3G 721 2013-06-07 2026 OH3LWP KP21AM 1.3G 721 2013-06-07 2026 OH3LWP KP21AM 10G 721 #58 on 3cm 2013-06-08 1941 LY3II/B KO15FM 1.3G 379 Beacon
Thanks for some new squares on the microwave bands. Last update on 9 cm was 2012-09-25 but on 3 cm it was 2011-08-05, so it was really time for some new squares!
| QSO map
Hepburn 2013-06-06
Hepburn 2013-06-07
: NAC 23 cm contest
contest began nice. When I switched on the remote station I first
checked the beacon band. Weak signal from ES0SHF which is easy to hear
if there is any conds over the Baltic Sea. But weak signal indicate bad
conds. But then I found LY3II/B in KO15FM so I tuned the antenna and it
was very strong. Maybe some conds to east and southeast then.
of the nice signals from LY-beacon I started my operation towards LY
and work 5 LY stations within 30 minuets, very nice activity. I keep
calling on 1296.185 MHz towards LY, YL and ES and worked some more
stations in these directions. Then I worked ODX this evening when I
tried a QSO with YL2GD. Bit surprised to get him but signals was good.
the first hour towards east directions I started working stations in
other directions but conds was not good and the airplanes was not so
helpful as I wanted. Heard OH2AXH and OZ1FF but no complete QSO this
evening. Tried with several other stations as ES6FX, SM5AZN, SM6BFE,
73 de ULF/SM7LCB
Hope to upload audio segments for some QSO later...Date UTC Call Locator Band km Remark 2013-06-18 1626 LY3II/B KO15FM 1.3G 0 2013-06-18 1700 LY2BJ KO25ER 1.3G 491 2013-06-18 1702 LY2NA KO15JC 1.3G 414 2013-06-18 1708 LY2R KO15VS 1.3G 455 2013-06-18 1716 LY3UE KO24OP 1.3G 577 2013-06-18 1725 LY2BAW KO25KA 1.3G 542 2013-06-18 1738 YL2OW KO26WL 1.3G 575 2013-06-18 1747 ES3NA KO19SE 1.3G 524 2013-06-18 1753 SM1HOW JO97GL 1.3G 178 2013-06-18 1800 YL2GD KO37ML 1.3G 651 ODX 2013-06-18 1835 SM0DFP JP90JC 1.3G 442 2013-06-18 1839 SM7ECM JO65NQ 1.3G 224 2013-06-18 1845 SM6QA JO78FM 1.3G 276 2013-06-18 1851 SM7DTE JO75CN 1.3G 168 2013-06-18 1853 DL0VV JO64AD 1.3G 374 2013-06-18 1857 RA2FCD KO04DL 1.3G 313 2013-06-18 1858 SM3BEI JP81NG 1.3G 553 2013-06-18 1927 SP2DDV JO83VE 1.3G 357 2013-06-18 1933 SP1JNY JO73GL 1.3G 340 2013-06-18 1941 SK4AO JP70TO 1.3G 481 2013-06-18 1943 SM0FZH JO99HI 1.3G 360 2013-06-18 1945 OZ9KY JO45VX 1.3G 420 2013-06-18 1950 SK0CT JO99BM 1.3G 369 2013-06-18 2009 YL2AJ KO16OX 1.3G 415 2013-06-18 2015 SK7MW JO65MJ 1.3G 242 2013-06-18 2017 SP2WPY JO94FL 1.3G 238 2013-06-18 2018 SM7NR JO76RC 1.3G 71
: REG 1 contest July
weekend I was active more then I normal are on this kind of 24 hour
contest and maybe I work more stations also but it take a lot of time
when there is no good tropo conds. All long distance QSO need to be
worked via airplane scatter (AS) and as you know i can take several
tries to get the right airplane to complete the QSO. I have this
weekend very many tries with OK1KUO but finally we made a complete QSO.
usual I prefer working on 23 cm because my station is "best" on this
band. Have 50W out (-cable loss) and 1.9 m dish. Use the same antenna
for 13 cm and 9 cm. The 13 cm band is bad mostly because I still don't
have any preamp installed. On 9 cm it's better but I need to replace
the feeder on all band to get better performance out of the antenna.
Later in the contest I tried to get some more 9 cm QSO in the logbook
but I didn't work so many QSO on this band.
73 de ULF/SM7LCB
No recording from this contest!Date UTC Call Locator Band km Remark 2013-07-06 1720 SP4MPB KO03HT 1.3G 381 2013-07-06 1749 OK2A JO60JJ 1.3G 704 2013-07-06 1806 OL9W JN99CL 1.3G 768 2013-07-06 1818 OL3Z JN79FX 1.3G 718 2013-07-06 1836 LY2R KO15KQ 1.3G 400 2013-07-06 1921 LY2FN KO14XV 1.3G 492 2013-07-06 1930 OM3W JN99CH 1.3G 787 2013-07-06 2006 OM3KII JN88UU 1.3G 834 ODX 2013-07-06 2023 OK5Z JN89AK 1.3G 766 2013-07-06 2123 DF0MU JO32PC 1.3G 762 2013-07-06 2134 OZ1ALS JO44XX 1.3G 439 2013-07-06 2140 SP5QAT KO02LB 1.3G 553 2013-07-06 2200 OM6A JN99JC 1.3G 816 2013-07-07 0811 LY2BJ KO25ER 1.3G 491 2013-07-07 0817 DK6AS JO52JJ 1.3G 573 2013-07-07 1011 OK1KPA JN79US 1.3G 730 2013-07-07 1142 PI4GN JO33II 1.3G 710 2013-07-07 1322 SP1JNY JO73GL 1.3G 340 2013-07-07 1342 OK1KUO JO80FF 1.3G 677
2013-07-06 1723 SP4MPB KO03HT 2.3G 381 2013-07-06 1812 OL9W JN99CL 2.3G 768 ODX 2013-07-06 1838 LY2R KO15KQ 2.3G 400 2013-07-06 2032 DL1SUZ JO53UN 2.3G 435 2013-07-07 1328 SP1JNY JO73GL 2.3G 340
2013-07-06 2036 DL1SUZ JO53UN 3.4G 435 2013-07-06 2052 DF0MU JO32PC 3.4G 762 ODX
| 23 cm map
13 cm map
9 cm map
: After REG 1 contest
the REG1 contest this weekend I didn't have any tropo conds at all. All
QSO was made over then "normal tropo" distance or with help of airplane
scatter. I noted during the contest that several stations worked
G-stations on long distance (SM7ECM/SM7DTE) but conds never came to my
QTH. I tried with G3XDY on 23 cm but no signal.
After the
contest I continue to monitor the DX-cluster and ON4KST because if they
(ECM/DTE) worked G it maybe can get to me much later but I was not sure
it will make it this time. But late in the evening the conds seems to
have increased and I checked to see it I can hear GB3MHL beacon and yes
it was there on 830 as it shall, so now time to try a QSO again.
got in touch with John/G3XDY and we started on 23 cm and worked easy.
Then I moved him up to 9 cm as I wanted to try that more then 13 cm
(because of better equipment on 9 cm). We worked there also and then I
moved back to 13 cm. Maybe we misunderstand each other then because i
got to 13 cm and maybe John on 3 cm. Well we mad a 13 cm QSO easy also.
After that we tried on 3 cm without any signal at all. I still don't
have my 6 cm equipment ready, I need to get that done some times to
have that band QRV.
73 de ULF/SM7LCB
Date UTC Call Locator Band km Remark 2013-07-07 2100 GB3MHL JO02PB 1.3G 1096 Beacon 2013-07-07 2115 G3XDY JO02OB 1.3G 1101 2013-07-07 2117 G3XDY JO02OB 3.4G 1101 2013-07-07 2122 G3XDY JO02OB 2.3G 1101
| 23-13-9 cm map
Hepburn 2013-07-07
2013-08-06...08: Some RS QSO this summer
Seems I missed the nice RS day (27 July) because I was at a scout camp (Space camp 2013) which was visited by Christer Fuglesang.
But now I'm back on Öland and enjoying the nice summer wx and looking for conds on the microwave bands.
I have been working some RS QSO's but not many...
73 de ULF/SM7LCB
Date UTC Call Locator Band km Remark 2013-08-06 2026 DL6NAA JO50VF 10G 747 2013-08-08 2115 OZ1LPR JO44UW 10G 456 First QSO
Radar map with overlay OZ1LPR.