Activity notes SM7LCB in JO86GH

Last updated 30 December 2024.

Welcome to listen to some of my audio recording during 2024!

List of activity notes:
2024-09-03 : Nice NAC 144 MHz contest.
2024-12-10 : Nice tropo conds during NAC 432 MHz contest.
2024-12-26 : Nice Christmas tropo conds.

73 de ULF/SM7LCB 

2024-09-03 : Nice NAC 144 MHz contest.
During this contest there were nice conds to ES/OH which gave many nice points and first QSO.

73 de ULF/SM7LCB
Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band Mode km   Remark
2024-09-03 1734 SM4GGC JO69RK 144M SSB 393
2024-09-03 1743 SM7SPG JO66MD 144M CW 218
2024-09-03 1745 SM7ECM JO65PU 144M CW 208
2024-09-03 1748 SK1BL JO97HK 144M SSB 178
2024-09-03 1753 OZ1ALS JO44XX 144M SSB 439
2024-09-03 1755 OZ1BEF JO46OE 144M SSB 454
2024-09-03 1757 SK7CY JO65RJ 144M SSB 218
2024-09-03 1759 SM6VTZ JO58UJ 144M SSB 371
2024-09-03 1802 SM6TZL/P JP60LH 144M SSB 492
2024-09-03 1805 SK0CT JO99BM 144M SSB 369
2024-09-03 1806 SK0EN JO99JX 144M SSB 429
2024-09-03 1809 SN1I JO84CE 144M CW 238
2024-09-03 1811 SM0PYH JO99LK 144M CW 376
2024-09-03 1834 ES2MC KO29GG 144M CW 577
2024-09-03 1839 SM5DWF JO88HE 144M CW 209
2024-09-03 1842 ES1OX KO29HI 144M CW 586
2024-09-03 1846 ES2GW KO29KJ 144M CW 600
2024-09-03 1849 ES4RM KO49AL 144M CW 765
2024-09-03 1857 SK4AO/P JP70XQ 144M CW 488
2024-09-03 1900 ES7RU KO28SI 144M CW 586
2024-09-03 1920 OH3AC KP20TX 144M CW 738
2024-09-03 1922 OH4LA KP20LG 144M CW 660
2024-09-03 1935 OZ6TY JO55XE 144M CW 313
2024-09-03 1937 YL2AJ KO16OX 144M CW 415
2024-09-03 1945 OH0A KP00AF 144M SSB 482
2024-09-03 1949 OH2MFE KP20JE 144M SSB 647
2024-09-03 1955 OH2AWU KP20KI 144M SSB 662
2024-09-03 1956 SM7FMX JO65KN 144M SSB 244
2024-09-03 2002 SM4IAZ JO79NC 144M CW 322
2024-09-03 2019 SK5BN JO88CN 144M CW 251
2024-09-03 2022 OH6VV KP22WG 144M CW 847
2024-09-03 2032 SE0X JO99FE 144M CW 340
2024-09-03 2034 OH2LH KP20MG 144M CW 663
2024-09-03 2037 SM0JST JO89WI 144M SSB 348

Tool: SM7LCB

2024-12-10 : Nice tropo conds during NAC 432 MHz contest.
Time for the usual hunting for stations during the NAC 432 MHz contest and expected the normal gray conds as it use to be.

When I start up my remote station (IC-9700) I noted directly a huge signal on the spectrum display. As I was pointing towards SM1 (40 degree) I expected that it maybe will be SK1BL but to my surprise it was LA2Z booming in with S9+++ signal. Turned the antenna to him and tried to get him but he seems to have a big pileup but finally I got him into the logbook.

Now I noted that there was a lot of activity on the DX-cluster and was then checking the tropo prediction map and noted that it seems to be quit good towards PA/G direction. After that I more or less start calling towards that direction with some division towards other directions sometimes.

So instead of hunting around for stations which I normally do during 144/432 MHz NAC contest I this time was more or less fixed calling CQ in CW/SSB giving many nice contacts.

I think the conds was very nice as my station is small with only
75 W and 11 element yagi.

73 de ULF/SM7LCB
Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band Mode km   Remark
2024-12-10 1809 LA2Z JO59EJ 432M SSB 501
2024-12-10 1813 OZ3Z JO45UN 432M SSB 434
2024-12-10 1817 SM6CEN JO67AJ 432M SSB 299
2024-12-10 1820 PA2RU JO32LT 432M SSB 730
2024-12-10 1820 SM7ATL JO86EQ 432M SSB 43
2024-12-10 1823 OZ1BEF JO46OE 432M SSB 454
2024-12-10 1823 ES0FX KO08XL 432M SSB 405
2024-12-10 1824 OZ9ZZ JO46OH 432M SSB 453
2024-12-10 1826 DL8QS JO43KH 432M SSB 594
2024-12-10 1827 SM7EYW JO65NK 432M SSB 235
2024-12-10 1829 DL2RZ JO54BJ 432M SSB 458
2024-12-10 1831 G4SIV IO92WS 432M SSB 1142
2024-12-10 1833 PA3CWN JO33AH 432M SSB 750
2024-12-10 1834 OZ8UW JO46IX 432M SSB 485
2024-12-10 1838 LY2VO KO15PX 432M SSB 420
2024-12-10 1842 OZ8VO JO56BL 432M SSB 396
2024-12-10 1844 SM7DTE JO75CN 432M SSB 168
2024-12-10 1848 ES2AFF KO29EE 432M SSB 564
2024-12-10 1851 OZ8NN JO56BL 432M SSB 396
2024-12-10 1852 UA2FZ KO04FK 432M SSB 324
2024-12-10 1857 LY2CH KO15OV 432M SSB 416
2024-12-10 1910 OH0A KP00AF 432M SSB 482
2024-12-10 1918 OZ1DLD JO45RL 432M CW 452
2024-12-10 1919 SK1BL JO97HK 432M CW 178
2024-12-10 1921 OZ9GE JO66CB 432M CW 270
2024-12-10 1923 SM7ECM JO65PU 432M CW 208
2024-12-10 1937 SM6VTZ JO58UJ 432M CW 371
2024-12-10 1940 DG8LG JO44VP 432M SSB 464
2024-12-10 1948 G4HZG/P IO93GD 432M SSB 1205
2024-12-10 1950 G6AD/P IO92LJ 432M SSB 1216
2024-12-10 1958 OZ1KWJ JO45TX 432M SSB 430
2024-12-10 2000 OZ6TY JO55XE 432M SSB 313
2024-12-10 2001 G0CNN/P IO94AI 432M SSB 1187
2024-12-10 2006 ES2DF KO29GG 432M SSB 577
2024-12-10 2012 GM4JTJ IO86RP 432M SSB 1169
2024-12-10 2018 G0FVI/P IO93RD 432M SSB 1149
2024-12-10 2020 G8SEI IO92FO 432M SSB 1236
2024-12-10 2023 G1HLT IO93JD 432M SSB 1190
2024-12-10 2029 PA2M JO21IP 432M SSB 930
2024-12-10 2031 G4KQH IO92JD 432M SSB 1239
2024-12-10 2032 SM7PYJ JO76TE 432M SSB 59
2024-12-10 2037 GM4BYF IO85JV 432M SSB 1222
2024-12-10 2039 G4AFF JO02LO 432M SSB 1086
2024-12-10 2046 G3XDY JO02OB 432M CW 1101
2024-12-10 2055 GM3SEK IO74SR 432M SSB 1329
2024-12-10 2058 G4ODA IO92WS 432M SSB 1142
2024-12-10 2101 OV3T JO46MC 432M SSB 465
2024-12-10 2125 G4KUX IO94BP 432M SSB 1172
2024-12-10 2128 LY1CR KO15CL 432M CW 366
2024-12-10 2136 SM6BFE JO68DQ 432M CW 367
2024-12-10 2138 LY2R KO15VS 432M CW 455

Tool: SM7LCB


2024-12-26 : Nice Christmas tropo conds.
During the Christmas there is a contest named Jultesten which I wanted to activate during my visit at my remote site Öland but still I running the station with remote control on the local network. I setup the remote and tested it the day before eg evening 25 December and noted then a lot of activity on the DX-cluster and also a lot of signals on 144174 MHz using FT8. But as I'm not active using digital modes I start looking for activity on the CW/SSB parts but no activity. Start calling CQ into the F/PA/G direction but no response but my local station Björn/SM7SJR called in so we have a QSO. But no more contacts this evening even with some skeds over ON4KST, maybe conds was for me this evening but it seems to be good for next day and the "Jultesten".

When I started the "Jultesten" I noted that the conds seem to be promising and there were nice signal. Try to get attention on ON4KST for CW/SSB contacts but seem not so easy. Well I finally got G7RAU, G4RRA and DL8YE into the logbook during the contest time and I was happy for that, but the activity on FT8 seems to be far bigger than that.

During the rest of the day I try to get attention for more QSO but it was difficult. Maybe conds was not so good but I heard stations on the FT8 frequency more or less continuously. It seem that the activity on 144 MHz is becoming like 50 MHz eg high activity on FT8 with big signals and NO activity on CW/SSB, maybe we soon only need one frequency on all bands!?!

The OK station was maybe not QSO via the good tropo but normal luck with good stations and AP scatter.

73 de ULF/SM7LCB
Date       UTC  Call           Locator Band Mode km   Remark
2024-12-26 0908 G7RAU IN79JX 144M CW 1604
2024-12-26 0913 G4RRA IO80BS 144M CW 1476
2024-12-26 1938 2E0NEY IO81VK 144M SSB 1338
2024-12-26 1953 G0VUH IO93IL 144M SSB 1180
2024-12-26 1957 G4ODA IO92WS 144M SSB 1142
2024-12-26 1841 G0LBK JO03BD 144M CW 1109
2024-12-26 2001 M5BFL JO02RJ 144M SSB 1068
2024-12-26 1055 DL8YE JO32TC 144M CW 745
2024-12-26 2017 PA3C JO33FD 144M CW 737
2024-12-26 1320 OK1HMP JO70EB 144M CW 710
2024-12-26 1334 OK1TEH JO70FD 144M CW 700

Tool: SM7LCB


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