SM7LCB, Microwave Summary 2013Last updated 22 February 2014.If this page looks bad when please use Firefox! Summary The year 2013 was very good year regarding the connection to my remote station. There was no connection problem and all my equipment at site is working nice but still my want to do list is the same as last year, - 144 MHz, want to add preamp and add a power amplifier. - 1296 MHz, want to build new transverter with more output power and mounted near antenna. - 2320 MHz, want to build new transverter with more output power, lock oscillator to 10 MHz ref and mounted near antenna. - 3400 MHz, want to improve connection between antenna and transverter. - 10368 MHz, want to build new transverter together with 24 GHz using 0.6 meter offset dish In the end of the summer I toke doen the 13 cm station to rebuild i during the winter. But still now late February 2014 the rebuild work is going very very slow. Hope I get some more power soon so I can reinstall it during the beginng of the summer. 144 MHz Still no good station on 2 m. The small antenna (6el) is maybe not the problem but no preamp and low power is not good. But it's possible to work some long distance QSO with CW. New squares this year was: 8S4A JP71DA #39
1.3 GHz Better activity this year compare to 2012 on 23 cm mostly because better network connection with the remote station. Also the nice activity during REG I contest with a lot of AS QSO.
2.3 GHz On this band my station is worst and therefore I toke i down to rebuild during the winter so this is only 8 month of activity. But I don't thinkt the last 4 month had incresed the activity records.
3.4 GHz On 3400 MHz we still on special license in Sweden. Very nice QSO sometimes but not so many. During summer conds I got a new square when I worked OH3LWP. New squares this year was: OH3LWP KP21AM #20
10 GHz No big activity via tropo or rain scatter. There where some nice conds towards OH during the summer and then I got a new squrare on 10 GHz when I worked OH3LWP. Else there were very low number of QSO on both propagation modes. No big openings! New squares this year was: OH3LWP KP21AM #58