SM7LCB, Microwave Summary 2015Last updated 2 January 2016.If this page looks bad when please use Firefox! Summary The year 2015 was a very nice year because I got new squares and DXCC on several bands. It was long time ago I logged so many new squares. - 144 MHz, want to add preamp and add a power amplifier. - 1296 MHz, want to build new transverter with more output power and mounted near antenna. - 2320 MHz, want to build new transverter with more output power and mounted near antenna. - 3400 MHz, want to improve connection between antenna and transverter. - 10368 MHz, want to build new transverter together with 24 GHz using 0.6 meter offset dish I have during 2015 been building my 6 cm station but didn't finished it so still not active on 6 cm! 144 MHz No QSO this year.
1.3 GHz Nice activity this year with some good tropo openings. Nice with new squares on this band also after long time without any new, 20150212 1109 DL7QY JN59BD CW JN59 #126 20150804 2014 SK2AT KP03BU CW KP03 #127 20151003 1853 SN5R KO01IP CW KO01 #128 20151004 1002 LA4YGA JO48BE CW JO48 #129
2.3 GHz Nice with some new square and DXCC on this band! Hope for similar next year. 20150211 2056 OE5VRL/5 JN78DK CW JN78 #44 OE #11 20151024 1040 F6DWG/P JN19AJ CW JN19 #45 F #12 20151024 1109 PA0BAT JO31FX CW JO31 #46 '
3.4 GHz On 3400 MHz we still on special license in Sweden. Similar to last years but nice with a new DXCC and square! 20151103 1738 SP6GWB JO80JG CW JO80 #21 SP #8
10 GHz Some nice activity via tropo and rain scatter this year and also some new DXCC and squares. Very nice! 20150811 2118 RA2FCD KO04CW SSB KO04 #59 UA2 #15 20150815 1725 LY3V/P KO05LH CW KO05 #60