SM7LCB, Microwave Summary 2019Last updated 6 January 2020.If this page looks bad when please use Firefox! Summary The year 2019 was a good activity year on 23 cm from my side during the NAC 23 cm contest. The microwave activity is lower and more and more stations is QRT on these bands. Even I have gone QRT more or less on 13 and 9 cm bands. What to do with the microwave activity??? Then old todo list have some minor changes regarding 13 and 9 cm else the same old points... - 144 MHz, want to add preamp and add a power amplifier. - 1296 MHz, want to build new transverter with more output power and mounted near antenna. - 2320 MHz, going QRT??? - 3400 MHz, going QRT??? - 10368 MHz, want to build new transverter together with 24 GHz using 0.6 meter offset dish When will 6 cm station be ready?!? 144 MHz Lower activity but still QRV using my QRP station and having fun mostly during the NAC 144 MHz contests! For sure the KST-gain factor give some QSO but I'm always searching for some random QSO.
1.3 GHz My main band with good activity during the NAC contest evenings but lower than last year! No good tropo opening except that the last QSO this year on this band was G3XDY!!! 20191229 2212 G3XDY JO02OB CW 1101 km
2.3 GHz The activity on 13 cm band was low because during the spring I moved the antenna feed line from 13 cm antenna to the 23 cm when the 23 cm feed line was damage. No new feed line was mounted for 13 cm antenna feeding so therefore I'm QRT for the moment on this band. But I'm not sure I will be active on this band again(?!?). Worked only, SM7DTE JO75CN SP2HMR JO94MR SK0EN JO99JX SM3BEI JP81NG
3.4 GHz On 3400 MHz we need special license in Sweden and I didn't applied for any so therefore no activity! Going QRT???
10 GHz Many stations is not QRV on NAC microwave contest so not many to work and therefore my activity is lower in this contest(?). No good tropo or rain scatter opening but worked first QSO on 3 cm with SP4MPB, nice. 20190528 1938 SP4MPB KO03HT CW RS