VHF/UHF contest program    LOGGER    The Step After...

 Last updated 24 June 2020.

LOGGER version 1.21

LOGGER and Windows 7
Seems that LOGGER go well with DOSBOX if you have problem.
But why go for Windows 7? Move to Linux!


The program is packed in self-extracting file and therefore very easy to install to the computer. After you have downloaded the package you need to create a directory there you want to have LOGGER installed. Move the file to the created directory and run the self-extracting file, see example below.

c:\> mkdir logger
c:\> cd logger
c:\logger> a:log121.exe       Self-extracting file on disc (a:)
c:\logger> logger             Starting the FULL version of LOGGER
c:\logger> logger -l          Starting the LIMITED version of LOGGER

For program upgrade do the same and answer yes when program wants to overwrite any existing files.
No user built files will be overwritten.

Latest version of LOGGER (information)
log121.exe  log121.zip LOGGER version 1.21 (~500kB)
  • Install and start-up instruction (pdf version).
  • Simple HowTo instructions (pdf version) in Swedish.
Latest documentation (PDF file need's Acrobat reader)
html-file  zip-file LOGGER version 1.21, online help text in English
pdf-file  zip-file  LOGGER version 1.00, manual in Swedish

Support mail address is 


Revision History

In the revision history there will be list of all versions of LOGGER and with the compiled date. The version and complied date you can find under menu HELP and the ABOUT selection. Here will also for each version be a short text telling the difference from previous version.

LOGGER 1.21 [Dec 09 2005]
  • Decrease CPU load when running LOGGER.
    Before LOGGER can take up to 100% load on Windows XP.
    This version new will decrease the load to 20-30% (hopefully).
  • Add support for COM3 and COM4 serial port.
  • Add name/information presentation in the LOOKUP window if the search finds less then 6 matching stations is the lookup list (name/phone/etc).
  • Add function to edit the name/information data when selecting a station from the list using CTRL-SHIFT-<letter> function, Add new station CTRL-SHIFT-SPACE.
  • Add auto login feature for DX cluster via start option.
    Example “LOGGER –l” or “LOGGER -lsm0lcb”.
  • NAC-28 contest updated according to 2006 rules.
  • SM-KVTAL contest updated according to 2006 rules.
  • No update of NAC-50, NAC-144 and NAC-432 contest for
    “Standard”/”High Power” sections, if this will be the case for 2006.
COM Port Redirector software for DX cluster connection.
This software is NOT a part of the LOGGER download file.
LOGGER 1.20 [Oct 24 2004]
  • Release LIMITED edition of LOGGER. This version of LOGGER doesn't have the CW keyer, ICOM bus interface and no sun/moon calculation. This free memory for larger callfile and more QSO (if you need it).
  • Add "LOW MEMORY" warning indication. This is just an indication!
  • Add possibility for automatic change of propagation mode when enter a QSO with rain scatter report (59S). Similar to the current tropo/aurora propagation mode switching change.
  • Corrected the QSO mode information in the EDI-file (needed for the NAC 28 MHz contest).
  • Minor code fixes in the ICOM bus interface.
LOGGER 1.19 [Mar 20 2004]
  • Added support for NAC 10 meter contest. In LOGGER named NAC-28SM/OH.
  • Add voice recording when using W9XT DVK board (playback ok).
  • Fixed error in the EDI-file regarding antenna text.
  • Updated text message for the DX-cluster function "Send DX-spot".
  • Change some shortkeys for LOGGERNET and DX-cluster functions.
LOGGER 1.18 [Dec 13 2003]
  • Update NAC contests with new locator bonus points (2004).
  • Add day of week/month check in LOGGER. This function is today enabled in the configuration files for all NAC contests and SM-KVTAL contest.
  • Change the DX-cluster TALK window. Added to the TALK window the possibility to easy use the nice DX-spider CHAT functions.
  • Change LOGGER to the CTY.DAT file for DXCC lookup and DXCC information. For more information see CT9 country file.
  • Add a terminal server function to share a common DX-cluster connection over the ICOM CI-V network between several computers running the LOGGER program.
  • Add "keep alive" feature for a DX-cluster connection over GPRS-network (GSM mobilphone).
  • Improved the ICOM CI-V bus function and code.
  • Add selective usage of RTS/DTR-lines to power ICOM-bus interface.
Release a new version of the loggerTelnetWin32 program (ver 1.01). There have sometimes been problems with long "delay" for data transfer from loggerTelnetWin32 to LOGGER. Hope this version of loggerTelnetWin32 will solve some of these problems.
LOGGER 1.17 [Jun 11 2003]
  • Add support for microwave band higher then 24 GHz. Update NAC-MW contest files with support for 1.3 GHz - 248 GHz.
  • Add support for INTERNET connection of LOGGER. This gives you the possibility to within LOGGER have access to DX-cluster/DX-spider nodes on Internet.
  • Add ICOM CI-V interface for control of ICOM radio from LOGGER. Today only tested with the ICOM IC-706. LOGGER can also control antenna rotor connected to CI-bus. Today only a PIC-controller with my own control program used together with a YAESU G-800SDX rotor.
  • Add multi operator mode using windows file share network function. This is a pre-version of this feature and is not fully tested because I don't use it myself. Please send feedback if you use it!
  • Add name/phone information lookup when pressing "ALT-letter". Add/update this information is easy done with the CTRL-N key.
  • Two comment files for each contest. Main comment is included into the EDI file and to the L_COMM.TXT file. The secondary comment is only included into the L_COMM.TXT file. Write for example the 'native language comment' in the main comment and the English comment in the secondary comment. Of cause it will depend on what kind of contest you have worked.
LOGGER 1.16 [May 29 2002]
  • Solve a problem regarding DXCC identification. The new DXCC.TXT file gives that some call is noted as unknown DXCC. This is because of an error in LOGGER and not in the DXCC.TXT file.
LOGGER 1.15 [May 24 2002]
  • Solve QSO number problem related to SMOH contest (common QSO number for all bands).
  • Added function to reduce the beacon list.
  • Improved presentation for "end of duplicate time limit" used during the Estonian Open VHF/UHF/SHF Contest.
  • Sun/moon position and rise/set calculations.
  • Add easy configuration set-up.
  • Fixed many other minor problems.
LOGGER 1.14 [Feb 17 2002]
  • This version will make versions 1.10-1.13 obsolete because the LOGGER crash during generation of L_COMM and L_STAT-file is solved.
  • Major fixes are the updated generation L_COMM/L_STAT/UQF-files.
  • Fixed/change in the generation of ADI/HTML-files (tnx SM3LWP).
  • Station information should now also be written in format "RIGG, POWER, ANTENNA" like "IC-706, 100W, 5 el Tonna". If so the power and antenna information will be correct written in ADI/EDI files.
  • Several minor errors also fixed.
LOGGER 1.13 [Oct 27 2001]
  • When exit LOGGER the program sometimes hangs. I think I have located the problem in functions, which produce the L_COMM.TXT and L_STAT.TXT files. I have therefore in this release disable this generation until I have a better implementation. Because of limited time I can't set a time limit when it will be fixed.
  • Also included in this release is an improved setting of CW/SSB mode for AURORA QSO.
LOGGER 1.12 [Oct 08 2001]
  • Solves the error regarding locator bonus calculation. The problem occurs when you log more then 32000 locator points. With locator bonus of 500 the limit was 64 locators.
LOGGER 1.11 [Jul 27 2001]
  • Solves the error with to high distance points for QSO with station in the same square as you use.
LOGGER 1.10 [Jul 12 2001]
  • Add some new functionality and solve several minor errors.
  • Add the ADI export file format (automatically generated) for easy import of contest log data into other log programs for example EA6VQ.
  • Change distance points calculation according to the recommended for VHF contest.
LOGGER 1.00 [May 11 1999]
  • The first release of LOGGER.
LOGGER 0.32 [May 04 1996]
  • The last pre-series version of LOGGER.
LOGGER 0.00 [Before 1992]
  • The first version of LOGGER I have found on my backups. How to use it I don't really know. I sure must look into the source code to find out how to use this version.
  •  Hope nobody needs the help file for this version.



In the archive there will only be older version of LOGGER.

LOGGER version EXE file ZIP file
1.21 log121.exe log121.zip
1.20 log120.exe log120.zip
1.19 log119.exe log119.zip
1.18 log118.exe log118.zip
1.17 log117.exe log117.zip
1.16 on request
1.15 on request log115.zip
1.14 on request on request
1.13 on request on request
1.12 log112.exe log112.zip
1.11 on request on request
1.10 on request on request
1.00 on request on request
0.32 - -
0.0 - -


Information Files

Contest configuration files these files shall be located in the LOGGER config directory. For each contest there are two files which most be loaded together into the config directory. To easy download a file use right mouse button and select "Save Target as" or similar function when pointing to the selected link.

Description CNF-file PMB-file Update
Example for normal log (outside contest) homelogg.cnf homelogg.pmb 2003-04-12
NAC 28 MHz (rules 2006) nac-28.cnf nac-28.pmb 2005-12-07
NAC 50 MHz nac-50.cnf nac-50.pmb 2005-12-13
NAC 70 MHznac-70.cnfnac-70.pmb2012-04-04
NAC 144 MHz nac-144.cnf nac-144.pmb 2005-12-13
NAC 432 MHz nac-432.cnf nac-432.pmb 2005-12-13
NAC 1296 MHz nac-m1g3.cnf nac-m1g3.pmb 2005-12-13
NAC OPEN (5:s Tuesday contest)nac-open.cnfnac-open.pmb2011-03-28
NAC microwave (above 1296 MHz) nac-mw.cnf nac-nw.pmb 2005-12-13
SSB contest 144 MHz (rules 2006) sm-kvtal.cnf sm-kvtal.pmb 2005-12-07
SSA Nordic Contest ssa-nord.cnf ssa-nord.pmb 2005-05-22
SM-OH contest, new rulessmoh.cnfsmoh.pmb2012-05-17
(SM-OH contest, CW part) (smoh-cw.cnf) (smoh-cw.pmb) -
(SM-OH contest, SSB part) (smoh-ssb.cnf) (smoh-ssb.pmb) -
ES Open Single Op/Single Band es-sosb.cnf es-sosb.pmb 2002-05-22
ES Open Single Op/Multi Band es-somb.cnf es-somb.pmb 2002-05-22
ES Microwave (part IV) es-mw.cnf es-mw.pmb 2002-05-22

Get all files listed above in one file. Save this file all.exe into the config directory of LOGGER and execute the file there. Answer YES to overwrite existing files.

Updated information files for LOGGER regarding the Beacon, the Geographic and DXCC files. These files shall be located in the LOGGER <b>info</b> directory. To easy download a file use right mouse button and select "Save Target as" or similar function when pointing to the selected link.

Description File Update
Beacon file beacon.txt 2002-06-11
Geographic file geogra.txt 2002-02-25
DXCC file until LOGGER version 1.17  (renamed IARU.CTY file) dxcc.txt 2003-10-16
DXCC file from LOGGER version 1.18 (CT9 country file) cty.dat 2003-10-16


NAC 28 MHz (2006)

The NAC 28 MHz contest has some special rules. To solve the problem and add the new 2006 rules there is a new configuration files ready for the NAC 28 MHz test for download (see above table).

To use this contest the operator need to change both “band” and “mode” when moving from one section to other section. First select the correct “band” e.g. section (see figure below). The MLT band will summaries all sections for the contest

28_C Section CW “band” A
28_S Section SSB “band” B
28_F Section FM “band” C
28_D Section DIGITAL “band” D
MLT Summaries all above sections “bands” E (no EDI file)
After selecting correct “band” the operator shall also select correct “mode”!

LOGGER will after the contest generate 4 EDI files, one for each section.
Send these file(s) to the contest manager.


Internet Connection

For Internet connection of LOGGER to a DX cluster the way have been to use loggerTelnet. This has worked fine but there are today better ways to do it. It’s called COM port redirect e.g. you install a redirect program, which will give you a COM port on the computer, which is link to the DX cluster. Hopefully this page will clear out how to do it, COM Port Redirector. Have been tested under Windows XP home edition but shall work fine for all Windows versions (hopefully).

LOGGER 1.21 support automatic login to DX cluster if using the start option “-l”, for more information read the help file.

From version 1.17 of LOGGER there is a possibility to have direct Internet connection from the LOGGER program to for example a DX-spider node on the Internet.

To be able to establish such connection between LOGGER and Internet you need to run LOGGER in a DOS-BOX under Windows. You will also need a version of loggerTelnet program, which can be downloaded below.

The following steps shall help you establish LOGGER to Internet connection (see also this separate page).

Step What top do
Install LOGGER Install LOGGER version 1.17 or newer.
Install loggerTelnet Download and install loggerTelnetWin32 application in the LOGGER directory (the directory there LOGGER.EXE will be).
Set-up Start LOGGER and select "LOGGER->Terminal Set-up"
  • Set "Terminal for... Terminal"
Set under "Communication set-up"
  • Port.... FILE
  • EOL..... CRLF
Terminal Exit the set-up and select "Logger->Terminal" Will bring up a terminal with in/output windows.
Start loggerTelnet Start the loggerTelnetWin32 application (for Windows computer).
Internet Connect you computer to Internet.
Do connect Select on the loggerTelnetWin32 program "Program->Connection". Enter the connection server name and port number. Press enter or OK button and the program will connect the server ant print out any text in its display window.
  • Address, the name of the server to connect or the IP-address if you know that.
  • Port, the port number to connect to the server (default is 8000).
  • Login, if you enter you callsign here the program will automatically login using it when it receive a "login" text. If the connection goes done it will retry to connect the server with 10 seconds interval.
  • Multi-op, only used when using the multi operator station set-up (LOGGER -f option). Enter the same directory as used in the -f option without ending \ character. All LOGGER stations will then use one connection to Internet.
On the following DX-spider nodes you can use the LOGGERNET group functions without any problems (server:port):
  • sk3w.shacknet.nu:8000
  • sk3gw.shacknet.nu:8000
Text display Hopefully this message will then also show up on the LOGGER terminal input window.
Normally it will end with a "login" text.
Login In the LOGGER terminal you may now enter the login name, usually you callsign, and press enter. Now you shall able to use the nodes commands etc.
Exit Exit the connection with bye command in LOGGER terminal and then exit the loggerTelnetWin32 program.
More For using DX-cluster/DX-spider and the LOGGERNET functions in LOGGER see the help file.

If you want more information about DX-spider see link in my link list.



If you are using the Internet/packet radio connection in LOGGER you also have the possibility to run LOGGERNET over this connection. LOGGERNET is a way to communicate and announce QSO/point information to other stations in LOGGERNET. In LOGGERNET of today you can:
  • Send/receive alert message to/from all connected stations.
  • Send/receive a normal broadcast message to/from all connected stations.
  • Send/receive a chat message to/from selected stations.
  • Get needed call/locator information from other stations QSO information.
  • View the current result table for the connected stations.
  • Search for call/locator in other station QSO information.
Below follows information how to connect and use LOGGERNET over different nodes. For more information about this and LOGGERNET setup see the help file.

Using LOGGERNET over DX-spider node

When using DX-spider the LOGGERNET information can be send as local announcements or using the new chat function. The selection of mode is made in file "config\dxspider.txt". The default mode is to use the chat function. To be able to use this you must FIRST join the LOGGERNET group by sending "join loggernet" command to the DX-spider node!

Using chat loggernet group: 
  • Enter terminal window
  • Connect the DX-spider node                      C SK3W
  • Wait for connection and prompt
  • Join the LOGGERNET group                     join loggernet
  • Exit terminal window
  • Run the contest
  • Enter terminal window
  • Exit DX-spider node                                  Bye
If you want to leave this chat group the command is "leave loggernet". If you DX-spider node don't support chat/join/leave commands you need to run LOGGERNET with local announcement.

Using local announcement:
  • Enter terminal window
  • Connect the DX-spider node                     C SK3W
  • Wait for connection and prompt
  • Exit terminal window
  • Run the contest
  • Enter terminal window
  • Exit DX-spider node                                  Bye
The advantage of the chat mode is that it's possible to use worldwide while local announcement is just local. You shall not configure LOGGERNET to use full announcement.

Using LOGGERNET over BBS/DX-cluster node

LOGGERNET uses converse mode on BBS or DX-Cluster so the station forming a net must in some way connect to the same converse node in the packet radio net. Talk to you local net people how get a converse mode node on the net.

The command to enter the converse mode on a FBB BBS node can be the "C" command and to exit the converse mode use the "Q" command.
  • Enter terminal window
  • Connect the BBS with command              C SK0CT
  • Wait for connection and prompt
  • Enter converse mode                                C
  • Wait for enter information from the node
  • Exit terminal window
  • Run the contest
  • Enter terminal window
  • Exit converse mode                                .Q
  • Exit BBS                                                BYE
The command to enter converse mode on DX cluster node can be the "CONFER" command and to exit the converse mode use the "/EXIT" command.

  • Enter terminal window
  • Connect the DX-cluster with command      C SK0CT
  • Wait for connection and prompt
  • Enter converse mode                                 CONFER
  • Wait for enter information from the node
  • Exit terminal window
  • Run the contest
  • Enter terminal window
  • Exit converse mode                                    /EXIT
  • Exit DX-cluster                                          BYE
Most converse modes on BBS and DX cluster will have a timeout time of 30/60 minutes. So if you not logging any QSO and sending chat messages you can be kicked out of the node. Then just enter it again and try to be more active in the contest.



From LOGGER version 1.17 you can control an ICOM radio connected to LOGGER. There is also support to control antenna rotor, transverter controller and CW keyer. The antenna and transverter controller is build around PIC16F87x micro controller. The CW keyer is running as a Linux server and hopefully in PIC16F87x controller soon. Information about these controller programs will hopefully come when it's ready for publication.

To use CI-bus in LOGGER you need a CI-bus interface and also do some settings in the LOGGER CI-bus configuration file and also enable CI-bus when starting LOGGER. Hopefully the following text will help you start CI-bus on LOGGER.

  • Interface
    You need to buy or build an interface between the serial port (COM1/2) on the computer and the ICOM CI-V bus. There are a lot of examples how to build this on Internet. You can also buy it from ICOM and other if you don't like to build it.
  • Copy CCI file
    In the directory "config" you will find a file "example.cci". This file shall be copied to the same name as your *.stn file in the config directory. If the station file name is "SM0LCB.STN" the copy exam_ci.cci with following command,
    C:\LOGGER> copy config\exam_ci.cci config\sm0lcb.cci Note that the file extension shall be CCI.
  • Edit CCI file
    When you copy the file to the station name you must edit it to reflect this station set-up. The file holds some information how to get CI-V buss running with LOGGER and it also holds the set-up of addresses etc for radio/rotor. The set-up of radio can be done as global for all bands and selected set-up for one band. For more information see the file. For example you can set frequency offset on each band so you will get correct frequency in LOGGER even if you using transverter.
  • Start LOGGER
    When you finish the set-up and connected the interface on selected serial port you are ready to start LOGGER and see if it works,
    C:\LOGGER> logger -CIx:y
    C:\LOGGER> logger -CIx:ys there x shall be 1 when using COM1 and 2 when using COM2. Set y to the computer number in the range of 0-9 (normally 0). The y value is important if you want to have more then one LOGGER program on the same CI-V bus.
    If you want to use a ICOM interface that need power from RTS and/or DTR-lines you must set the s parameters. Set an R if you want to use RTS-line and/or a D if you need DTR-line to power the interface.
Then LOGGER start up and the selected band have a unit controlled over the CI-V bus you shall see a green status line in the display.

To control a station press ALT-1 for station A and ALT-6 for station B. When there is a window to write control command to station (radio, rotor...). On ALT-3/8 you will have fast switching between CW and USB for station A/B, nice because toggling on the IC-706 usually go wrong when you need to be quick.

When you pressed ALT-1/6 the following commands can be used for radio control,

144.300 Enter a complete frequency with a '.' at the MHz point.
Observe that the offset for current bad will be used before the frequency is sent to the radio!
.050 Part of the frequency which always starts with a '.' character.
The program will the take current MHz number from the radio and add the entered as part of MHz.
C< fq >
Set radio to CW mode and if percent the entered frequency as complete/part.
S< fq > Set radio to USB mode and if percent the entered frequency as complete/part.
F< fq >
Set radio to FM mode and if percent the entered frequency as complete/part.

If you want more information about ICOM CI-bus and how to build interface see link in my link list.


Multi Operation

Observe, the multi operator mode in LOGGER today is a pre-version and is not fully tested and can therefore have bugs and functionally problems.

The multi operator mode use a common log file which is accessible for all LOGGER station using the NetBEUI file share in windows operation system, see figure below. Therefore you need to set-up network functions on all station to be able to use this function. For more information about this see the Windows system.

When the network is up running the main station (in the figure station A) shall share a directory/drive to be used by the other stations. The other stations shall connect to this share by mapping it to a local drive. For more information about this see the Windows system.

Needed file shares/mapping and how to start LOGGER:

Station What to do
A Set-up file share of the directory "C:\SHARE".
Starting LOGGER using this directory like, c:\logger> logger -fc:\share
B Map drive ex "L:" to file share "C:\SHARE" on station A.
Starting LOGGER using this drive like, c:\logger> logger -fL:
C Map drive ex "M:" to file share "C:\SHARE" on station A.
Starting LOGGER using this drive like, c:\logger> logger -fM:

For each station you must also configure LOGGER to use the same contest, station and address information. The multi operator mode doesn't help you with this normal LOGGER set-up.

Technical LOGGER will log all QSO in a common file on the file share named according to the contest date example "20021031.log". All LOGGER station will check for updates in this file. LOGGER wills also updates its normal "logger.log" file in the contest directory. So if you after the contest want to check the contest "offline" from the network just start LOGGER as normal and select the wanted contest. Note that any updates of the log during "offline" will not be reflected to the shared file!

This multi operator mode over shared file is a feature not fully verified so there maybe situations there it will fail. Also multi operation in contest with QSO number can give problems if operators try log on same band and using same QSO-number.

Notes regarding multi operator
  • Note that the stations B and C in figure above can get "hanged" if the network is not reliable. This because LOGGER will "hang" during its regular check of the shared file. Therefore the main operator station shall always be the station how shares out the file!
  • Note that the OFFLINE function is disabled then LOGGER is started the multi operator mode.
Check this BEFORE staring the contest
  • All stations use the same setting in template files!
  • All stations use the same time setting!
  • All stations have the correct time set!
  • If using loggerTelnet program then use the correct setting of the used multi-op directory, shall be the same used when starting LOGGER with the -f option. See connect dialog for the windows program and the option -f for the Linux program.


LOGGER on Linux

LOGGER has been tested and is working under Linux using the dosemu program. This text will give hints how to get LOGGER running on Linux with installation of dosemu, MS-DOS and LOGGER. You can also have Internet connection in LOGGER using loggerTelnetLinux program.

Install dosemu

If you installation of Linux doesn't have the dosemu or xdosemu programs you need to install them. I prefer to download latest version of dosemu from their website (www.dosemu.org) and compile/install from source code.

  • Download the latest developer releases for dosemu from their site.
    I have tested dosemu-1.1.4.tgz and will show how to use it.
  • I then unpack and install the program with following commands.
    For more details see dosemu documentation.

    $ tar xzvf dosemu-1.1.4.tgz       Unpacking program.
    $ cd dosemu-1.1.4                 Move to created directory.
    $ make                            Make program.
    $ su root                        
    Change to root for program install.
    $ make install                    
    Do the installation.
    $ exit                            Exit root mode
    $ cd ..
    $ rmdir
    dosemu-1.1.4 -r –f        Remove the source code.
  • You shall now have the commands dosemu and xdosemu to start the dos emulation program. Try the xdosemu and you will get an x-console starting DOS. It will fail because it will not find any installation of DOS.

Install MS-DOS or similar

When the dosemu program seems to work you need too install DOS which dosemu can boot. There is many DOS to install. Dosemu supports Freedos (www.freedos.org) but you can also install you old MS-DOS. For Freedos see their site for more information. I will here show an easy (small) installation of MS-DOS.

  • First you need to create a directory tree in the your home directory,
    mkdir dosemu
    cd dosemu
    mkdir msdos
    cd msdos
  • To install MS-DOS you need to copy some files from a MS-DOS installation disc or from a computer running MS-DOS. Below show that files you need too copy into the created msdos directory (From an installation disc 1 of MS-DOS 6.22).
    mount /mnt/floppy
    cp /mnt/floppy/io.sys ~/dosemu/msdos/.
    cp /mnt/floppy/msdos.sys ~/dosemu/msdos/.
    cp /mnt/floppy/command.com ~/dosemu/msdos/.
    umount /mnt/floppy
  • Create a simple autoexec.bat files in the msdos directory.
    @echo off
    prompt $p$g
    path c:\
  • Create a simple config.sys files in the msdos directory.
  • You shall after installing and your first start of xdosemu have a file named ".dosemurc" in you home directory. You shall edit a line starting with $_hdimage in this file, see below. The first line is the original line. Add a # character in the beginning of that line and add the second line. Note that "ulf" will be something else on your system.
    #$_hdimage = "home/ulf/dosemu/freedos"
    $_hdimage = "home/ulf/dosemu/msdos"
  • Hopefully you shall now be able to start-up the MS-DOS using xdosemu command. At the DOS-prompt you can use the normal DOS commands as dir, mkdir, cd. Not that not all DOS commands is valid because we have not installed the complete MS-DOS. This is not needed to run LOGGER.
Install LOGGER

The installation of LOGGER is very easy if you download the *.exe file of LOGGER. Download latest LOGGER version and copy/move it to the msdos directory. Start xdosemu and do following command to install LOGGER.

c:\> mkdir logger
c:\> cd logger
c:\logger> a:log120.exe       Self-extracting file on disc (a:)
c:\logger> logger             Starting the FULL version of LOGGER
c:\logger> logger -l          Starting the LIMITED version of LOGGER
Internet connection

LOGGER has function to enable terminal connection to Internet via separate loggerTelnet program. There is one version of this program running under Linux and make this connection possible even when you are running Linux. Download this loggerTelnetLinux program and install it in the LOGGER directory. Start this program from a normal Linux xterm window because this is a native Linux program and not a DOS program.

$ cp loggerTelnetLinux-1_00.tgz dosemu/msdos
$ cd dosemu/msdos/logger
$ tar xzvf ../loggerTelnetLinux-1_00.tgz
$ loggerTelnetLinux -?

To run this program and LOGGER see these instructions, but when it state loggerTelnetWin32 think loggerTelnetLinux instead. Hopefully it will work fine.

If you have installed wine (www.winehq.com) you can use the loggerTelnetWin32 program instead for the native Linux version. Just download the zip-file to the LOGGER directory and unzip it (unzip file). When start it with "wine loggerTelnetWin32" and up it come. The start is slow the first time you start it up.

Start loggerTelnetLinux from Linux xterm.
Start logger from xdosemu console window.


History of LOGGER

In end of the 80:s I start develop a program for logging our national monthly contest on 144 MHz and up. It started on expensive HP300 BASIC computer I used at work. Then came the PC so time to do something on this platform instead of the expensive HP computer. With TurboC 1.0 I started the development and have since then only upgraded to BorlandC 3.1.  

In August 1992 I used released LOGGER version 0.0 (!). It looked very similar to the famous short-wave contest program CT at that time. During the development there have been versions 0.10, 0.11, 0.20, 0.20x, 0.30, 0.31 and 0.32. The latest version have been around many years now, most because lack of free time to develop the program further.

Since February 1998 I have started to develop the program again to my need. Some friends have also used the program and helped me a lot with finding all bugs and bad functions in the program. They also helped to developed new features like LoggerNet into the program. I hope that this new version of LOGGER will help some of you with logging all you radioactivity.

Why the silly and anonymous name LOGGER? Well it just got the name when I start writing the code and I have not seen any need to change it. There are many other programs also with the same name but I don't have any better name and all my friends call it LOGGER so I will keep the name.

Finally I will say that LOGGER is a FREEWARE but don't change the code and if copy it to other users copy all you got from me to them.



Other contest log programs:
  • Taclog, VHF contest program made by OZ2M.
  • VQLog, VHF log program made by EA6VQ.
  • CT, shortwave contest program made by K1EA.
  • TR LOG, shortwave contest program made by N6TR.
  • DXCC file, country files from K1EA site (CT8 or CT9).
Contest links:
  • SM NAC, all SM results from NAC contest (plus other contest).
  • CI-V reference, good information about the ICOM CI-V bus.
  • DOSEMU, homepage for the DOSEMU program, howto run DOS on Linux.
  • Freedos, homepage for the Freedos OS, instead of MS-DOS.
  • DX-spider, DX-spider software and the manual can be found here.
LOGGER links:


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