Station - SM7LCB in JO86GH
Last updated 18 December 2010.
This page will show some parts of the SM7LCB station in JO86GH with links to more information.
Antenna photo:
My antennas 2003 and also the setup used when I start the remote operation during 2004 (not 2m). | My antennas spring 2009 before I during the summer start to build the 1.9 m dish. | This was the setup spring 2010 with the new 1.9 m dish and a nice antenna platform. | Current setup used from the summer 2010. 2m 6el yagi, 23/13/9cm 1.9m dish, 6/3cm 0.9m dish |
Antenna description (for more information click on photo):
| The 1.9 meter dish used since 2009.
- 23 cm, QRV - 13 cm, QRV - 9 cm, QRV
| | The 0.9 meter dish used since 2010.
- 6 cm, not QRV - 3 cm, QRV | | Platform for the 1.9 meter dish built 2009. | | Some history description regarding my antennas, |
Station description (for more information click on photo):
| The 1296 MHz station since 2004:
- Output power 50 Watt. - 10 MHz locked LO. - Mast mounted preamp. - PIC controlled (for remote operation). | | The 2320 MHz station:
- Output power 40 Watt. - No preamp. - PIC controlled (for remote operation). | | The 3400 MHz station:
- Mast mounted unit. - Output power 40 Watt. - Built in preamp. - 10 MHz locked LO. - PIC controlled (for remote operation). | | The 5670 MHz station during built winter 2010/2011:
- Mast mounted unit. - Output power 20 Watt. - Built in preamp. - 10 MHz locked LO. - PIC controlled (for remote operation). |
| The 10368 MHz station:
- Mast mounted unit. - Output power 5 Watt. - Built in preamp. - 10 MHz locked LO. - PIC controlled (for remote operation). |
My remote setup (for more information click on photo):
| My remote operation position at my home QTH (Stockholm).
More about my remote control. |